Piccadilly Publishing



Kent Conwell

Galveston by Kent Conwell

Taking a well deserved fishing vacation after a frantic two weeks of herding twenty cats while stepping over dead bodies, Tony Boudreaux finds himself neck deep in the proverbial quicksand when a stubborn and sassy black woman who claims to be his cousin pleads for his help to deliver a package containing the cremated remains of Lisa Gherardini, the alleged model for the Mona Lisa, to a ranch in Texas.

The only problem is that three international cartels are after the package. They pursue Tony and Latasha through a-flooded New Orleans with its alligators and snakes and across Louisiana and Texas, coming to a startling climax on the Brazos River when Tony learns the package actually contains the world's largest uncut diamond.

Published December 01, 2013
Recommended Price:
$1.99 USD
£1.23 GBP


"I was so sad to hear of Kent Conwell's passing. I thought I'd never read another Tony Boudreaux story. This is another fun, fast road trip romp through the south with a mystery package and persistant thugs after Tony and his cousin all the way. Really enjoyed it and want another one. Thanks guys! " - 5 star review at Amazon.com

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